Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Three minutes and fourty-two seconds with a Mormon Missionary.

I have decided that I want to make a big part of my blog hearing from more people than just me. I feel strongly that it is important for everyone's voice to be heard, and that individuality is an essential part of our divinity. These are some master teachers you'll be hearing from who have pure and sincere testimonies. & they have been called by a prophet of God to share what they know.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing some technical difficulties as far as uploading the video directly to blogger goes... so go ahead and click here to watch the video via Facebook.

Featuring Elder Rivera from Toluca, Mexico. Elder Rivera loves to play rugby, he can write with both of his hands at the same time creating a mirror image & he's a Mormon Missionary.

So, if you have ever found yourself wondering what those crazy kids in suits riding bikes are up to...

Or the girls... :)

We are normal people who would love to answer your questions and share with you why we are doing the crazy things we do.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hey y'all welcome to my little corner of cyberspace.

I have to start off by telling y'all something actually rather profound that my friend Brenda told me the other day while we were discussing religion and God. All of that good stuff that you get to talk to about as a missionary. She was telling my companion and I about what a crazy world we live in, and how "kids these days just don't get it."
*insert head nod here* Yeah, what are those #hasttags about anyways?

We agreed with her and continued talking about her love of the bible.
She said something I haven't been able to stop thinking about.

"Even if you don't believe it, it is a good book to live by, and when you live it, you'll believe it."

What she said essentially embodies everything that I will discuss here on this blog. It also reminded me of a verse in The Book of Mormon.

"And now, behold, because ye have tried the experiment, and planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good."
Alma 32:33

Every principle or doctrine that I will write about, I will also invite you to pray about.

Faith is the first, most basic principle of the gospel. That is why it is often times the most difficult thing to have. I think Faith gets overlooked all too often.

"Faith is a strong belief that motivates a person to act. Faith that elads to forgivness of sins is centered in Jesus Christ, whose Atonement makes forgiveness possible. Faith in Jesus Christ is more than a passive belief in HIm. It means believing that He is the Son of God and that He suffered for your sins, afflictions, and infirmities. It means acting on that belief. Faith in Jesus Christ leads you to love Him, trust Him, and obey his commandments."

I add my invitation to Moroni's.